explains key word concepts -->
The Wisconsin participation in
echo signature systems and their activities
.... consequently the
Wisconsin legal system recognition
of their important stature in
Wisconsin society
We look at modern signatures with the "TALE of 2 Cities" view ...
the traditional signature written in ink OR the
echo signature METHOD of existence on EARTH per social contract with Nature
........sign nature ..... that is ...
various signs, signal patterns, code messages extracted from
Nature's generated EVENT databases ..... events that are described in newspapers /
magazines and explained by knowledge found in basic college textbooks.
The echo signature method of Nature sent major group signals to Watertown Wisconsin .....
involving the Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration .. geological message system that interface with human bio-sensors ....... a known process that I will outline here.
Tesla's Earth quake ..signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil. A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
1st is the Polish/ Czechosloviakia earth
geological underground ..... wireless system .... an Internet style
system as first outlined by Nikola Tesla around year 1910.
The system component code .... Earth language WORDS from Europe are
Czecholoslovakia earth geography in central Europe.....echo ....... Nature's earth electron soil and its underground message system .... a type of wireless INTERNET as outlined by Nikola Tesla around year 1910.
Nature's human bio-electron sensors in Poland .......
Lech Wałęsa is a retired Polish politician and labour activist. He co-founded and headed Solidarity (Solidarność), the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, and served as President of Poland from 1990 to 1995. While working at the Lenin Shipyard (now Gdańsk Shipyard), Wałęsa, ...
Thus the New York City .... West Side Highway event
... to generate an echo signaling DATABASE.

May 19, 2015 - Wife of Tribeca banker beaten by bikers becomes emotional
The clan of motorcyclists chased Lien up to
the West Side Highway to the 178th St. exit and yanked him from the driver's seat where a handful of them knocked him to the ...
Thus the New York City event and the West Side Highway generated DATABASE of key words, concepts, proper nouns, locations, etc ....
that emphasize Nature's earth language ...... echo message ....
to the LINK site ... of parallel location/name WORDS in Watertown, Wisconsin.
* Wojciech Braszczok .... subset letter codes
Wo.... ech .............. ok
TWo.....echo ............ Okeechobee (Lake) Florida
..............echo ............ ...... echo
* Wife of Tribecca banker ......
Wife --> Wi + fe --> Wisconsin ferrous oxide iron atom and its 26 English alphabet letters at information Highway 26 in Watertown
Find that book you've been looking for or stop by for a cup of delicious coffee while you read your book at Tribeca Gallery Café & Books.
Bank of Montreal of Quebec Canada
...............................................Bec (Nature's earth financial systems)
Thus the New York ..Tribecca BEC EVENT and its generated information pointers to
Bank of Montreal of Quebec Canada
...............................................Bec (Nature's earth financial systems)
and its Watertown Wisconsin bank secrets
..... the bank as a participant in Computer Earth geological LEVELS and Platforms.
that is the geological layers ..... known as
........................logical layers ..... communication layers as described in books
BMO Bank of Montreal Quebec ... Quebec BEC systemsBMO Bank of Montreal Que becBMO Bank of Montreal .... data Queue BEC systems of EARTHhttps://www1.bmo.com/
Sign in to BMO Online Banking to access your BMO accounts and
online services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
BMO Harris Bank in Watertown, WI | Watertown Area Chamber of ...
Celebrating 200 Years In 1817, the Montreal Bank became Canada's first bank, and went on to play a critical role in the building of a nation, its financial systems, and the prosperity of its people. We invite you to explore some of the stories from the past 200 years that trace the growth of BMO Financial Group and our ...
BMO Harris Bank 205 N 2nd St, Watertown, WI 53094 - YP.com
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for BMO Harris Bank
at 205 N 2nd St, Watertown, WI.

Thus we see Wisconsin's legal / financial systems participation / recognition of
the 5th state of matter and its laws
In addition, more EARTH language BEC signals exist in Wisconsin's participation
in the BEC 5th State of matter ( an atomic social economic activity and management infomation state)
Feb 14, 2018 - “The board and I are delighted that Jim will lead Landmark into its next stage of growth.” Jim grew up on a 500-head cow-calf
operation in Conde, South Dakota, cultivating 3,200 acres of row crops and small grains. Jim,
who holds a degree in
ag business from Southwest State University in Marshall .... that is , ...
............sin electron sub-soil language systems ....
the sin energy/ signaling states ...... Conde, SD
component of the Bose-Einstein Conde.sate
that are covered by the Wiscon.SIN master sin wave
console as explained by Nature's selection of
Oshkosh --> Os --> Oscillation / sin wave site
per outlines suggested by the Nikola Tesla wireless model.
geological layers of atomic/electron soil and rock ... are
..... logic layers of atomic/electron THOUGHT systems
.... the Wisconsin Dell's are Nature's systems version of a printed circuit board.
The Wisconsin Dell's layers of limestone rock are Nature's systems version
of a printed circuit board.

Thus we see the various laws and the various states of Wisconsin ...
The sole purpose of the contract is to safeguard the rights of each citizen. This is the basic recipe for the political philosophy of liberalism—Locke's philosophy. Locke speaks of a state of nature where men are free, equal, and independent. He champions the social contract and government by cons
https://www.iep.utm.edu/soc-cont/by T Hobbes
Jump to Thomas Hobbes - John Locke. For Hobbes, the necessity of an absolute authority, in the form of a Sovereign, followed from the of the State of Nature. ... While Locke uses Hobbes' methodological device of the State of Nature, as do virtually all social contract theorists, he uses it to a quite different end.
The other major echo sign of Nature
(sigNATURE code word) recognized by Wisconsin
is explained by Georgia O'Keeffe of Sun Prairie Wisconsin
American artist
Georgia O'Keeffe was an American artist. She was best known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been recognized as the "Mother of American modernism". Wikipedia
Born: November 15, 1887,
Sun Prairie, WI
Her early earth language life
O'Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887,[2][4] in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T in the town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.[5][6] Her parents, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe and Ida (Totto) O'Keeffe, were dairy farmers.
Her earth language messages that surfaced
from her unconscious / sub-conscious MIND
(as a dairy farm girl)
to a surface level of consciousness
her message format .... that being ... her visible paintings and her proper noun name and location codes.
Thrill your walls now with a stunning Georgia O'Keeffe Sunflowers print from the world's largest art gallery. Choose from thousands of Georgia O'Keeffe Sunflowers artworks with the option to print on canvas, acrylic, wood or museum quality paper. Choose a frame to complete your home today!
--> Sun Prairie link to the Sunshine state (Florida)
--> Georgia O'Kee to Lake Okeechobee /
..........................................................echo message
.... thus her being .... a communications link between these 2 geological locations
--> Georgia O'Kee to Lake Okeechobee /
..........................Kee --->............kee echo message .... in addition
--> Georgia O'Kee to Lake Okeechobee .....................
......................... Kee...................Kee bee ----> message LINKS to
............. Kee....................................Bee ..................
Milwau.KEE and G.B. Lewis BEE.keeping of Watertown
Vintage 1920 Bee Keeping Catalog - G.B. Lewis Co. - Watertown, WI - Bees - Honey.
return code
................ Kee ..........Bee --> that being
.... Lake o.KEEcho.BEE ..... the sunshine state
........................Echo signature ... recognition feedback LINK
to the Wiscon.SIN SIN wave message continuum.
Thus Lake o.KEEcho.BEE ..... the earth language word feedback links
Kee --> Milwaukee
Bee Kee --> Bee-keeping in Watertown
Thus the question .. what are some of the underlying components that
Wisconsin sin states and Wisconsin atomic electron states use.
The earth geography equation code .....
earth --> e + ar + th
--> electron area thoughts (of bio-electron people in that area )
Thus the EARTH electron model Zin ..... states that 2-leg humans standing in the vertical
Z-axis automatically input data into the earth geography electron surface
.... as an electron data collection system.
In addition ....... people named V ..such as Vincent Lombardi (football) participate in this
Vin electron THOUGHT circuit system of Wisconsin ......
as outlined by Jim Dell of Landmark Farm Coop and the Wisconsin Dell's geological layers .... printed circuit structure.
Thus we see the various STATES of Wisconsin and its legal systems .....
that are explained by the
various science law schools at a university campus in Wisconsin ......
laws that are input to the Carl Jung collective group mind and
the James Joyce data stream of consciousness .... .
thus the need for the traditional law school (SC) to have a
knowledge and wisdom bridge ....
from the school's Sub-Conscious (SC) level to
the more REALITY based, conscious and aware .....
Symbol & Concept(SC) world ..... that advances beyond the
sub-conscious platform .... erroneously used society.
Thus the David Prossor ,,,, Wisconsin Supreme Court (SC) need for the
SC <---.. continuum -----> SC to connect the various levels of thought.
This concludes the objection by Mr. Z to the 1st will ......
the above reasons and thoughts explaining to the probate court the situation behind the
hand-written 2nd will that reflect the thoughts and wishes of KZ...
and that those thoughts of consciousness be recognized and respected by
the various law systems / legal levels of Wisconsin.
END of explanation