explains key word concepts -->
advanced chess ...
the Black Rook military code --->
B rook at
Brookfield Wisconsin
Sizes of Infinity Part 1: Hilbert’s Hotel – Wi Phi
Part 1 of a pair. Agustin teaches us about some weird properties of
infinity, using an example due to mathematician David Hilbert called
‘Hilbert’s Hotel’.First let’s review some concepts about the living language …..
Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.
The Hilbert Hotel – The New York Times
May 9, 2010 – But another giant of the era, David Hilbert, saw it as a
lasting contribution and later proclaimed, “No one shall expel us from
the Paradise that …“No one shall expel us from the Paradise that …
“No one shall expel us from the Paradise that …
“No one shall expel us from the Para + di…. se …
“No one shall expel us from the Parallel + dimensions …. se …
The first major SYMBOL WORLD battle that was transformed to physical reality occured in year 1946.
David Hilbet’s concepts are the source domain in the SYMBOL WORLD that Nature’s systems used to create a signaling EVENT in the destination range ………… that being the EARTH geography surface ….. an information display surface with explicit, visble TRAGIC events …… sometimes created at certain proper noun SITEs to maximazie the message content of the event.
King David Hotel bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Explosion and aftermath – [edit]. British paratroopers enforce curfew in Tel Aviv after King David Hotel bombing, July 1946. Photographer: Haim …
King David Hotel
King David Hotel
King David H –>
King David Hilbert
The Bombing Of The King David Hotel – Information …
Information Clearing House
Hotel layout
Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel is a veridical paradox (a valid
argument with a …. The hotel(coach #0) guest in room number
1729 moves to room 01070209 (i.e., room …. In mathematical terms, the
cardinality of the subset containing the …
Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel – Wikipedia, the free …
Hotel layout
In plan form, the six-story hotel, which was opened in 1932 as the first, modern, luxury hotel in Jerusalem,[10] had
an I-shape, with a long central axis connecting wings to the north and
south. Julian’s Way, a main road, ran parallel and close to the west
side of the hotel. An unsurfaced lane, where the French Consulate was
situated and from where access to the service entrance of the hotel was
gained, ran from there past the north end of the hotel. Gardens and an
olive grove, which had been designated as a park, surrounded the other
The paradox
Consider a hypothetical hotel with a countably infinite number of rooms, all of which are occupied. One might be tempted to think that the hotel would not be able to accommodate any newly arriving guests, as would be the case with a finite number of rooms.Finitely many new guests
Suppose a new guest arrives and wishes to be accommodated in the hotel. We can (simultaneously) move the guest currently in room 1 to room 2, the guest currently in room 2 to room 3, and so on, moving every guest from his current room n to room n+1. After this, room 1 is empty and the new guest can be moved into that room. By repeating this procedure, it is possible to make room for any finite number of new guests.Infinitely many new guests
It is also possible to accommodate a countably infinite number of new guests: just move the person occupying room 1 to room 2, the guest occupying room 2 to room 4, and, in general, the guest occupying room n to room 2n, and all the odd-numbered rooms (which are countably infinite) will be free for the new guests.
Another David Hilbert HOTEL message occurred in a chess hotel … rook
and pawns ..the EARTH geography surface is like a chess board ……. with
the hotel in Brookfield Wisconsin.
Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 …
Oct 21, 2012 – Brookfield hotel was scene of mass shooting in March 2005 ….
Terry Ratzmann – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mar 14, 2005 – … opened fire at a church service
in Brookfield, Wisconsin on 3-12-05, …. says three survivors of
the shooting rampage at a hotel in Wisconsin …
10 years since shooting at Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield …
Three-dimensional chess ….. David Hilbert HOTEL applications in Brookfield
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caryl Chessman represnting brain SYMBOL ENGINE … neruoscience chess WARS
– Criminal – Biography.com
Caryl Chessman was executed in 1960 for sex crimes committed as the “Red
Light bandit”; the controversial conviction made Chessman’s case a
cause celebre …
CAUSE and EFFECT ….. the California arrogant citizens and their
DEATH penalty…… commands issued …. commands to chess player
brains …..
resulted in Nature’s CHESS game ……. biology gametes /genetics systems revenege in Brookfield ….
rook and pawns with geography state of California …..
and the STATE of MIND – California with its citizen BEDROOM brain bull-shit and ethics arrogance.
resulted in Nature’s CHESS game ……. biology gametes /genetics systems revenege in Brookfield ….
rook and pawns with geography state of California …..
and the STATE of MIND – California with its citizen BEDROOM brain bull-shit and ethics arrogance.
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still
more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations
to external relations.
… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences;
… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences;
… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences;
… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences;
… in correspondence …..h ex………..co-e x is
…………………………………. hex………..code x is = information systems
…………………………………. hex………..code x is = information systems
Let’s look at another blog post that cover more …about David Hilbert HOTELS VS Donald Trump Hotels
David Hilbert’s double-helix bio-math hotel
Donald Trump LUXURY Hotels
Donald Trump LUXURY Hotels
Rd-blog-number-6547 By Herb Zinser reviews the the role of the living
language and Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE expression system …in modern
political science and in the SOCIAL SCIENCE wars.
Of interest if the political science INTELLECTUAL expression of David Hilbert and the cover-up by Washington, DC of Nature’s systems requirements …. the recognition of Nature’s representation system.
David Hilbert (German:[ˈdaːvɪt ˈhɪlbɐt]; 23 January 1862 – 14 February 1943) was a German mathematician.
He is recognized as one of the most influential and universal mathematicians of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Hilbert discovered and developed a broad range of fundamental ideas in many areas, including invariant theory and the axiomatization of geometry. He also formulated the theory of Hilbert spaces,[3] one of the foundations of functional analysis.
Hilbert adopted and warmly defended Georg Cantor’s set theory and transfinite numbers. A famous example of his leadership in mathematics is his 1900 presentation of a collection of problems that set the course for much of the mathematical research of the 20th century.
Hilbert and his students contributed significantly to establishing rigor and developed important tools used in modern mathematical physics. Hilbert is known as one of the founders of proof theory and mathematical logic, as well as for being among the first to distinguish between mathematics and metamathematics.[4]
David Hilbert .. code name .. intials
D……..H –> Double-helix …..
INTERNAL bio-math life form and his EXTERNAL writings
internal relations to external relations.
internal relations to external relations.
internal relations to external relations.
Applications ………
Biology …. subset word

Applications ………
Code 72 –>
A June 1972 break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National …
“One year of Watergate is enough,” President Nixon declared in his State
of the Union …
.. in other words
A June 1972 (code number 72 percent) break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National … “One year of Watergate is enough,”
President N declared in his State of the Union …
President N
President N
President N of Avogadro’s Number of molecules in a human skin/dermatology container
In chemistry and physics, the Avogadro constant (symbols: N) is the number of constituent particles, usually atoms or molecules, that are contained in the amount of substance given by one mole. Thus it is the proportionality factor that relates the molar mass of a material to its mass.
given by one mole.
given by one mole.
given by one mole …Nature’s systems detective … N –> Nixon
there is one player called the mole, an operative
there is one player called the mole, an operative
there is one player called the mole, an operative –> named Nixon
The Invisible Spies: Medwyn the Historical Mole Detective – Kindle edition by Dewi Llywelyn, Hazel Williams. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device …
Applications ………
The Hilbert Hotel in the city within the velocity of light …
Nov 4, 2010 – Those of us who actually studied science may remember from our college years that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant. When light …
C = 186000 velocity of light
Of interest if the political science INTELLECTUAL expression of David Hilbert and the cover-up by Washington, DC of Nature’s systems requirements …. the recognition of Nature’s representation system.
David Hilbert (German:[ˈdaːvɪt ˈhɪlbɐt]; 23 January 1862 – 14 February 1943) was a German mathematician.
He is recognized as one of the most influential and universal mathematicians of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Hilbert discovered and developed a broad range of fundamental ideas in many areas, including invariant theory and the axiomatization of geometry. He also formulated the theory of Hilbert spaces,[3] one of the foundations of functional analysis.
Hilbert adopted and warmly defended Georg Cantor’s set theory and transfinite numbers. A famous example of his leadership in mathematics is his 1900 presentation of a collection of problems that set the course for much of the mathematical research of the 20th century.
Hilbert and his students contributed significantly to establishing rigor and developed important tools used in modern mathematical physics. Hilbert is known as one of the founders of proof theory and mathematical logic, as well as for being among the first to distinguish between mathematics and metamathematics.[4]
David Hilbert .. code name .. intials
D……..H –> Double-helix …..
INTERNAL bio-math life form and his EXTERNAL writings
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
… in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still
more … said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to
external relations.internal relations to external relations.
internal relations to external relations.
internal relations to external relations.
The Hilbert Hotel – The New York Times
May 9, 2010 – But another giant of the era, David Hilbert, saw it as a
lasting contribution and later proclaimed, “No one shall expel us from
the Paradise that …Applications ………
The David Hilbert molecular Hotel …..
with rooms of information, ideas, and data storage in bio-molecules…. in human bio-computers for the BIOLOGY version of the INTERNET
that uses humans as computers …..
thus the word
Biology …. subset word
B…log ……….. thus most humans are blog sites
– The New York Times
May 9, 2010 – But another giant of the era, David Hilbert, saw it as a
lasting contribution and later proclaimed, “No one shall expel us from
the Paradise that …Applications ………
The Hilbert Hotel – The New York Times
May 9, 2010 – But another giant of the era, David Hilbert, saw it as a
lasting contribution and later proclaimed, “No one shall expel us from
the Paradise that …The Hilbert Hotel –
The Hilbert Hotel –
The Hilbert Hotel –
The H Ho –> HHo = H2O –> water molecule continuum Hotel –
The Hilbert Hotel –
The Hilbert Hotel –
The Hilbert Hotel –
The H Ho –> HHo = H2O –> water molecule continuum Hotel
in humanoid format
Code 72 –>
The Watergate Story | Nixon Resigns – The Washington Post
The Washington Post
.. in other words
The Watergate Story | Nixon Resigns – The Washington Post
The Washington Post
A June 1972 (code number 72 percent) break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National … “One year of Watergate is enough,”
President N declared in his State of the Union …
President N
President N
President N of Avogadro’s Number of molecules in a human skin/dermatology container
Avogadro constant – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In chemistry and physics, the Avogadro constant (symbols: N) is the number of constituent particles, usually atoms or molecules, that are contained in the amount of substance given by one mole. Thus it is the proportionality factor that relates the molar mass of a material to its mass.
given by one mole.
given by one mole.
given by one mole …Nature’s systems detective … N –> Nixon
Message Board Game Room | The Mole: Detective Edition
To be transferred to your detective’s account at the end of the
competition) … However, there is one player called the mole, an
operative I have hired to sabotage …there is one player called the mole, an operative
there is one player called the mole, an operative
there is one player called the mole, an operative –> named Nixon
The Invisible Spies in Nature’s molecule … political world :
Medwyn the Historical Mole Detective for social chemistry mysteries …
www.amazon.com › … › Action & Adventure
Amazon.com, Inc.
The Invisible Spies: Medwyn the Historical Mole Detective – Kindle edition by Dewi Llywelyn, Hazel Williams. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device …
Applications ………
The Hilbert Hotel – The New York Times
May 9, 2010 – But another giant of the era, David Hilbert, saw it as a
lasting contribution and later proclaimed, “No one shall expel us from
the Paradise that …The Hilbert Hotel – The New York Times
The Hilbert Hotel – The New York Times
The Hilbert Hotel in the city within the velocity of light …
– The New York Times
186000 Miles Per Second. Not Just a Good Idea, It’s The Law
Network Computing
Nov 4, 2010 – Those of us who actually studied science may remember from our college years that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant. When light …
C = 186000 velocity of light
……………………..city of light and optical SYMBOL life
The Hilbert optical/photon Hotel in the traveling city
within the velocity of light …– The New York Times
Her code name –> Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary –> HIl + l + ary –> Hilbert light array
Physics, Consciousness and the Nature of Existence
Joseph Norwood – 2002 – Science
He devised rules for multiplying one infinite array by another and found
that when … feet of the great David Hilbert, Born realized that
Heisenberg’s square arrays …
The Theory of Matrices – Page 106 – Google Books Result
Cyrus Colton MacDuffee – 2012 – Mathematics
This theory had its inception in a series of six papers by DAVID
HILBERT” published in … If $ is the real or complex field, denote by A,
an array (a,) of n rows and …
The Theory of Matrices –
The Theory of Matrices –
The Theory of Mat + rice + s
–> Math …. Rice, Secretary of State of Matrices / Linear Algebra
Code name –> Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary –> HIl + l + ary –> Hilbert light array
Rodham –> subset word –> rod –> information pointer to
her eyes and optical life format
Below, the secret life of
Hillary (an array of rods) Rodham C = 186000 Li =Light
END of explanation
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